- The walking dead a new frontier trophy guide how to#
- The walking dead a new frontier trophy guide series#
The game frooze twice in a row on the way to the hospital with David. Building for Tomorrow trophy in The Walking Dead: A New Frontier … 20. Ava will appear to help you in a sticky situation by taking out a guard and telling you to hide him. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.

The walking dead a new frontier trophy guide series#
Completed The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 1, Analysis: Beyond The Walking Dead, No One Has Been Playing Telltale Games, See How The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series Collection Compares, The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series Collection Announced, Telltale Releases The Walking Dead - A New Frontier Season Finale Trailer, Telltale Recaps The Walking Dead - A New Frontier Before Final Episode, All The Walking Dead: A New Frontier news, © 2021 TrueGaming Network Ltd, All Rights Reserved. You can inject AJ with drugs to try and save him or oblige and put the syringe down. You will stumble across David who is dead in the car, and Gabe is just a few feet away as you find out he was bitten. For The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series - A New Frontier on the PlayStation 4, GameFAQs has 31 trophies. David will show up to get you out and the trophy will unlock. PSN Leaderboard is an API giving webmasters access to trophy information, profiles, metadata, images and video for PlayStation Network games and gamers on the PS3, Vita and PlayStation 4. Family Road Trip trophy in The Walking Dead: A New Frontier. Jesus suggests to you that you should be the new leader in Richmond. You will be talking with Tripp about his relationship problems which will lead to this trophy unlocking. A confrontation with Joan will ensue after which unlocks the trophy. David walks out after he feels like everyone is against him. You will arrive to the junkyard and decide to either return fire or run to your family. As the group gets ready to head out for supplies this trophy will unlock. Start a romantic relationship with Kate or tell her you don't feel that way. In Her Charge (Bronze): Completed Chapter 3 of Episode 1. Another flashback reveals that Javier's dad was hiding that he has cancer.

(NOTE: Joan will choose the opposite of what you do). The Walking Dead: A New Frontier – Episode 2 – The Ties that Bind Part Two Review (PS4) This is the third installment in Telltale's The Walking Dead series. The game will … PLEASE DO NOT READ ANY FARTHER UNLESS YOU DO NOT MIND SPOILERS! Kill Badger or let him turn into a walker. This trophy is earned by earning all of the other trophies first.

You will then be back in the quarantine room where you need to escape.

He says he does not want treatment and wants to give up, and you have to decide weather you support that decision. Unexpected Guests (Bronze): Completed Chapter 2 of Episode 1. The Walking Dead: A New Frontier has 31 trophies: 15 bronze, 10 silver, 5 gold, and a platinum. You will have to make a major decision to stay with Kate or follow David & Gabe who leave in the truck.
The walking dead a new frontier trophy guide how to#
How to unlock the Building for Tomorrow achievement in The Walking Dead: A New Frontier: Complete Chapter 2 of Episode 3. The group will get into an argument about what transpired. Ava will tell you to go see the doctor and get the stab wound fixed up which will unlock this trophy.